Being that this game hasn't been reviewed since 2007, but is still active (as in 'people are still connecting, and trying to RP'), I figured I'd add in my two cents. This game's biggest issue is the playerbase size. There are a handful of folks trying to get things going, but it's more like a group of friends having drinks at the pub on the weekend, than the E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) behemoth it used to be. For those who've never checked the place out, I submit the following:
The game runs on West End Games' D6 system, but only as an accompaniment to straight-up RP. Scenes can be run via the traditional 'I shot you!' 'No you didn't, I dodged, and shot back!' 'Ow, yeah, that hurt' back-and-forth, or with the assistance of the game's dice simulation system. There's an entire universe of races to choose from (although some fan favorites, such as the Hutts, Ewoks, and Jawas, are restricted (but not totally off-limits) for various reasons).
The RP potential is near-limitless, including opportunities like (but not limited to) being a soldier or pilot for the Republic Military, or serving aboard a Star Destroyer in the Imperial Military. If you're not keen on carving out a niche in the Republic or Imperial Militaries, the Corporate Sector Authority is also open (the best of both worlds, business AND politics) to those seeking that line of work. If nothing else, you're welcome to live life on your own terms, as an Independent, as I chose to do. I run cargo for a living. I also consort with pirates (mwahaha!).
The game places a distinction on Organization vs Faction (or, as it's commonly known, Affiliation). Affiliation is pretty much the way your character leans in the grand scheme of things.. does he play ball mostly for the Republic, the Empire, or is he more concerned about himself? Organization deals with what you do with your life on a daily basis (CSA, Independent, Imperial Military, or Republic Military). I chose to start out as an Independent/Unaffiliated, since I figured I wouldn't need anyone except myself and my ship. Boy, was I wrong.. I quickly found myself shacking up with the Republic, did some work for them, and decided to change my Faction, becoming an Independent/New Republic player. It opened up a whole new world of activity for me, and I haven't looked back since.
I admit, I was rather shocked at how much of the game is restricted... next to nothing. Just a few races that don't quite fit into the game's timeline just yet (or at all), or can be played if you sit down with the admin and give them an idea of what you want to do with the race. There's also that whole 'Force Users are restricted' thing. Yeah, I know, Jedi and Sith are restricted, which you've probably heard before. The admin aren't keen on giving low-yield thermonuclear warheads to untested folks off the street. Give it a few months, hang out, and toss your name in the hat when the time comes.
Speaking of the admin, they do exist, and they do listen when folks grumble about this or that being broken, but just like regular people they have lives, and their plates are fairly full, so I would suggest giving them some time to respond before you go off on them.
Good luck, and may the Force be with you.
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