Rothogna MUSH


Rothogna MUSH is a roleplaying game that mixes space exploration, industry, and colonization on an original near-future setting (23rd century), featuring an extended human presence in space. Inspired by The Expanse book series, and the works of the writers of the golden age of science fiction, the game aims to develop a consistent hard sci-fi storyline driven by players and staff.

The game features a realistic space system and a continuously growing map of the solar system, with more locations in the works.

Mud Theme: Sci-Fi

Client Recommendation: Custom web client

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Rothogna MUSH Stats
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# Days Listed115
Last Connection StatusConnect Refused
# Days With Status6
Total Telnet Attempts3983.461
Total Website Attempts4864.226
Telnet Attempts This Month39612.774
Website Attempts This Month44714.419