This mud is riddled with issues, its hard to decide where to begin but here goes.
Practice restriction skill cap at 70 unclaned This wouldn't be a huge problem if there was constant Immortal contact but since theres maybe one on and he's afk all the time and won't clan people so well, there the issue. Your forever locked behind the clan wall. You can't pass 70, you can't get skills you need to rp your class. You can't do anything. If they removed the 70 cap and allowed you to practice every skill, itd improve the game ten fold
Ok whats next, oh combat Combat is horrendous on this game when your by yourself. That is of course unless your high ranked clan member with blade forms/weaves or backstab, but otherwise anyone not clanned is boned. You'll get the experience of missing 80 percent of your attacks even at capped skill level. And the one skill available to non clanned, bash, doesn't even work properly. If you get lucky you'll actually hit the target when its stunned, but thats seldom. And most of the time they stand right back up on the same round. Disarm has the same issues.
Next is the populace, or the complete lack of There is maybe 1 other person on the game at any given time and thats an Immortal that is afk. This means your stuck by yourself, unable to smob for best gear because you can't get clanned, theres noone on to help, and the mercenaries you can hire will flee in a few rounds.
Bugs..... Theres tons of them. I meen if I was a tester, it'd take me years of hard long hours finding and reporting the issues. There are shopkeepers that don't buy proper gear or have no starting gold. Combat skills that improperly work if at all and so many other problems that would fill this page if listed.
All in all theres a reason theres no population on this mud. No immortals that help you with clans or clan ranking so even if you do get clanned your still boned. So folks got tired of trying and just abandoned it. Game could be good but all issues are overwhelming and will never be addressed.
I give this mud 2/10 stars. The only reason I give it a two is theres alot of features that could be good if they'd just execute them properly. They of course wont so theres the other 8 stars gone.
Post a commentComment posted on Mon Feb 8 16:16:15 2016 by Joffrey:
This is pretty spot on. Aside from all the technical stuff like things that should work, there is very little to do. The only questing is done when you first start. It was seriously the most exciting part for me. There is nothing interactive and joining a clan just makes it worse. You do the same things over and over and each rank unlocks nothing of worth to you unless you consider being able to do the monotony faster.