Haven Of The Embraced


Around since the late 90's, Haven of The Embraced has gone through a lot of changes and has evolved through the years. Haven is based on White-Wolf Publishing's World of Darkness roleplaying system. Specifically, Haven is set in the 13th century using the Dark Ages series of rules.

Visit our Website or our Wiki For more information and a Start-Guide for new players!

Characters on Haven are advanced through Levelling, Remorting (reaching level 100 and returning back to level 1), and spending Freebie points gained through remorting on their Character Sheet.

A character's Character Sheet is a list of all of their attributes and known abilities, and many aspects of the game are based off of these stats including Combat and Skills. Different combinations of Charsheet Abilities unlock different skills, which a player then masters through usage of that skill.

Players can also advance their characters through Roleplaying using the "Icmode" and auto-exp system. Experience and Quest Points gained from roleplaying are based on how many Roleplaying Hours a player has, so more roleplaying nets more rewards! However players are NOT permitted to roleplay and use the auto-exp system by themselves and MUST roleplay with another player. Solo-Roleplays/Stories can be done offline and sent via RPNOTE to the MUD and rewarded by an Immortal for content.

Players have the option of playing one of 5 races. Humans, Ghouls, Vampires, Mages and Garou.

Vampires have six Clans available at character creation and an additional six available to players who create as human and are 'embraced' or made into vampires through roleplay after creation. Ghouls are servants to vampires and share some of their powers. Ghouls are bound to the vampire Clan of their vampire Domitor. Vampires and Ghouls have a selection of fourteen Disciplines that can give them near godlike powers.

Mages are willworkers and can perform fantastic magickal feats with a few simple gestures. Haven supports five Mage traditions with nine Spheres of Knowledge that new Magi can study, each one giving mastry over some aspect of the natural world.

Garou are the protectors of the Wyld Places and their Earth Mother, Gaia. They work tirelessly to destroy sources of evil and corruption that plaque Gaia and bring her pain. They are deeply tied to the Spirits and can travel to a Spirit Realm called the Umbra. Garou have ten Tribes to which a player can belong, five Auspices or Moon Phases under which the Garou is born, and 3 Breeds or Birth Forms. All three of these together determine which of 160 unique Gifts from Gaia a Garou can learn.

Haven of The Embraced is Roleplay Encouraged, and certain aspects of the game can only be unlocked via Roleplay including access to Vampire's High Clans. Haven also has a number of Mobprog and Immortal run quests that a player can participate in. Quest Points can be spent to purchase levels, special equipment, or gifted to purchase levels for other players. More ways of gaining and using quest points are being thought up all the time.

We have approximate 140 unique areas boasting 16,000 rooms and 3600 unique NPCs. Haven's worldmap is based on Medieval Europe, centered around Chester, England. A system of Boats link major port cities and allow for travel to far-away places quite easily. Western Europe including countries like France, Switzerland and Germany are all a wide-open map with thousands of rooms to explore and interesting places to find. Lists of directions to areas for levelling or exploration exists, but do not include all areas of the MUD, so some exploration is encouraged!

Haven is based on ROM 2.4b4 with OLC but has been heavily modified by the previous owner Ugha and the new owner Matthew to add new and exciting functionality to the MUD. MXP, MSP, Pueblo and other extended protocols are not supported at this time, but may be added in the future.

Mud Theme: World of Darkness

Haven Of The Embraced Mud Reviews

7 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Matthew
Posted on Sun Mar 17 12:55:24 2019 / 0 comments
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Haven of The Embraced has been a fixture of my life since I was 14 or 15. I love the players and the community that we have on Haven. I never got into Table-Top roleplaying, but roleplaying on Haven is a lot of fun, with the right partners. I do most of the development for the game and have done so since approximately 2012 and I enjoy putting new features in and seeing players enjoy them. I take player feedback seriously and do whatever I can to make sure everyone that logs in will enjoy their experience, however they choose to play Haven.

I left for a few years due to personal reasons but I'm back and I've been putting changes in on a regular basis since. I take pride in this game and want to make it as popular as it had been back when it first opened. Hopefully, we can rise through the ranks and be in the top 10!

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Review posted by Jason
Posted on Wed Sep 17 22:05:30 2014 / 0 comments
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Where to start...? Well first let me say that I have been playing Haven off and on for about 15 years now. That in and of itself says loads to the overall character of the MUD itself. I just could not stay away. Haven has become almost a second home to me. The players are great and the immortal staff too. Both will make you feel comfortable as soon as you start your new 'MUD life'. Haven is like a family online.

Right now the MUD is going through some changes. We are moving from a class based system to a classless system based off the WOD character sheet, so be ready when you log on. Haven offers both H&S and RP style gameplay. The two systems work off each other and it is set up in a way that you are not penalized for being solely one or the other. This game is truly unique in that aspect, and many others. Just give us a try and you will see. Lastly I would just like to say that I have played a great many MUDs, MUSHs, and have NEVER found one quite like Haven. There were a few that I enjoyed playing, yes, but none of them were Haven. It's not just the game here, it is the atmosphere most fall in love with. It's always being treated like part of a family. Log on and give it a try, you will see exactly what I am talking about. Don't be shy about it either, we may be a close knit bunch, but we are always looking for new people to join, new players. Everyone is so friendly and helpful, you will be set in no time. Haven is more than just a game.

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Review posted by William
Posted on Tue Aug 12 21:14:04 2014 / 0 comments
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Throughout the years, Haven has seen it's fair share of trials and has remained a constant enjoyment in my life for over a decade now. The current staff are welcoming as are the fellow players. Currently the MUD is transitioning from a class based system (rogues, clergy, swordsmen) to a classless system where anyone can become anything they want through time and dedication to said character(s). Haven tries to be both an RP/IC and H&S/OOC MUD and does an excellent job of maintaining that balance. If you enjoy cWOD, or are just looking for a virtual place to call home (or slaughter innocent mobiles), then come give this MUD a try.

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Review posted by Kaelis
Posted on Thu Sep 19 06:57:57 2013 / 0 comments
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I feel in love with thus mud from the first day i played it. And its gotten better. Haven is a great mud. It is both RP and H&S friendly. Though rp may be encouraged it us not required, even though it is so much fun. Do if you feel like logging in and just slaughtering innocents, go ahead, or if you want to rp, well there is plenty of that too. The player base is great, everyone is friendly, it really feels like an extended family sometimes. The immortals are even better friendly and helpful, and always building. The game world is every growing. So try out and get hooked, you will enjoy it.

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Review posted by MJS4745
Posted on Sat Nov 17 19:31:12 2012 / 0 comments
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I am braking this review down into 4 categories: Friendliness, Staff, Roleplaying, and General.

Friendliness: Haven of the Embraced has a very friendly staff and most of the player base is helpful and friendly as well. You'll find them often times joking and picking on one another in good humor over OOC channels. They are one of the more newbie friendly MUD's I have ever played with players and Staff alike willing to answer questions. The player base at the moment is small but many of them will help out new players with directions, finding decent gear, and even helping them to level. Over all a very friendly and nice Mud.

Staff: Haven staff is knowledgeable about the mud itself and about the roleplaying side of the mud as well. What staff members do not know they will try to answer as quickly as possible.

Roleplaying: Roleplaying on Haven in my experience is quite fun and most of the player base is willing to roleplay. There is a dice system for rolling feats based on character sheet information and the roleplay based commands are good. They could use a few extra roleplay oriented support options like an extra sheet players can edit to add additional information. But over all the roleplay environment on Haven in my experience is good and worth the effort.

General: Haven in general is a good mud and well worth the visit. Come by, check it out. The player base is small right now since it just started backup recently and is still in a transitional stage but I think you'll like what you find. Bear in mind however that Haven will eventually be switched to a new code base at some point but character won't be wiped they'll be transferred. So it is still worth it in my opinion.

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Review posted by Mad Brew
Posted on Sun Dec 4 20:14:52 2011 / 0 comments
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The MUD has been up and down over the years as well as several transitions of staff.

In its current era, the staff is improved and the atmosphere friendlier, but the real reason to come to Have is its unique blend of hack'n'slash and roleplay based on the medieval World of Darkness from the series of tabletop roleplaying games by White Wolf.

Unlike the other World of Darkness based MUSHes, Haven is more than just a glorified chat. There are many original areas built specifically with a WoD theme and plenty of character options.

The MUD is still very much a work in progress, as the Storyteller System is not yet completely integrated. However, what is available is sure to sate most fans of Dark Ages:Vampire and Dark Ages:Werewolf.

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Review posted by Irulan
Posted on Sun Dec 4 20:12:45 2011 / 0 comments
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Been playing there for a long time. It has just recently came back and missed it terribly. The new immortals are very helpful and the players are always up to help people and to share a few laughs. I like the mix of rp and ooc action and the areas are classic. I love the old World of Darkness themes and this is the best place to go for such. Come join us.

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