Dreamwalk MUSH


Dreamwalk MUSH is a game about dreams built on old MUSH ideas. In it, you are a dreamwalker, a lucid dreamer who can travel to other people's dreams from across dimensions (a Space Marine might have a dream where he meets Alice In Wonderland), and even alter those dreams. In Dreamwalk MUSH EVERYBODY is a builder, but they have to spend Lucidity to build anything, and it's way more expensive to manipulate another person's dreamscape than your own... but it still can definitely be done. (Type lucidity once logged in to see costs)

The point of the game is threefold, to:

* build up your own dreamscape as time passes * meet other dreamwalkers, and interact with them, and * explore the infinite dreamverse, hopping between dreamscapes to meet new and unexplored places

Mud Theme: Multiverse Dreamscape

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Dreamwalk MUSH Stats
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# Days Listed115
Last Connection StatusConnect Refused
# Days With Status39
Total Telnet Attempts3813.313
Total Website Attempts4413.835
Telnet Attempts This Month38012.258
Website Attempts This Month42313.645