Dark Castle, at best, has 20 to 30 players who rotate through characters and clans.
While the mud has plenty of areas to run, you're lucky to find out about any but the most common because few of the veterans are willing to help newbies.
There is an outward effort to make the mud newbie friendly but it works till about lvl 12 and then you're meat b/c, again, the veterans spend a good bit of their efforts beating down anyone smaller.
The mud, unfortunately b/c it is so easy to psteal and pkill, draws the sort that take great pleasure in doing so. Nothing wrong with that except it can get pretty old regening all the time or having your equip stolen. Note: there are plenty of fake-sellers and 'clan members' who don't abide by their own clan's laws. This mud is truly every man for himself.
The mud is enjoyed by those who already have good friends that are veterans. If you're looking at coming here fresh, I'd advise heavily against it.
Post a commentComment posted on Tue Oct 21 00:21:21 2008 by Anonymous:
That's certainly a dark view of DC. While it would be foolish to trust anyone too much, its far from an anti-newbie community. There are several people on who are guides that will help new players, and a lot of non guides will show people around as well. Most players do realize that the game is only fun once other players are strong enough to be a challenge, and are willing to help people be more knowledgeable and gain strength.
The game is very clan oriented, its difficult to be very successful as a loner. But it doesn't mean you have to be in a clan to reach the strength to fight other players.
While its true that pstealing and pkilling is very common on DC, it is entirely up to the player to protect themselves from it. I have played for several months now and I have never had anything of value stolen before. You just have to make sure you don't run around with something awesome laying around in open inventory.
Although it may be that this review is a couple years old and things have changed since then.
Comment posted on Thu Feb 26 21:04:47 2009 by noobie:
In response to the first reply to the review, the only thing that has changed in the past 'couple years' on Dark Castle is that there are only 15-25 players that rotate through clans and characters. 50% of the playerbase is AFK at any given time.
Newbie friendly? That's a laugh.
If you don't believe me, feel free to log in.