Akanbar, oh how many years its been, on and off. Being my first true MUD, its hard to put into words Just how much I have thoroughly enjoyed Akanbar. There have been good times and bad, yet it somehow always finds a way to bring me back. No other MUD has grabbed my attention quite like Akanbar.
The combat, while in my belief I feel it could use a bit of tweaking, is very well thought out. PvP it all comes down to skill. While in the beginning(as having witnessed this with my newest character Aidan) it can come down to who has invested the most crystals in skills that pertain to PvP effectiveness. However those of equal skills, and indeed end game maximums can provide excellent PvP in which thinking and strategy are key. I personally have had duels that last into the 10 minute range, and they have been the most intense PvP battles I've experienced throughout any game, graphical or no. PvE, while not on the scale of PvP, holds its own merits. On the surface, and in the beginning, it is simplistic, easy enough for those just starting to grasp. As you grow, and start to take on more stronger Mobs, strategy and even group composition come into play. As an example that I have just recently experience as Aidan, a group of my fellows attack the guards of an opposing city's tower. This is the most fun I have had in a PvPvE setting. having to manage who was being attacked by which Mob, and trading tanking back and forth felt almost as if I were in a raid in WoW. Not many others can match this level of play, especially more so with the small dedicated playerbase that Akanbar has.
The second aspect of Akanbar that keeps me glued is the Roleplay. While not always enforced, its is strongly encouraged, and a lot of the time rewarded. Aidan himself earned the right to wield his guild's weapon after proving himself to the Patron of his city. There is always some Admin lead event being planned or even in the works, but what truly, truly makes Akanbar shine is the player created roleplay. Every player I have come across and RP'd with has been very skilled and can adapt to anything thrown at them. Sometimes yes, even players preplan roleplaying situations, but in the end, the creativity of the players drives the story, and can lead you in a totally different direction from which you first planned. Akanbar thrives on this kind of roleplay, and I hope to see it continue to grow and to see just what old and new players can come up with.
All in All, Akanbar is a world that is unmatched, and a great atmosphere to play in. The players, and most admins(oh who am I kidding they all are pretty decent) are great people. And while somedays I feel the PvP is a tad lacking, all in all the combat both PvE and PvP are great systems in and of themselves. I hope to see Akanbar continue to grow and flourish for many years to come.
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