Age of Chaos


The Dragon is gone... The Dark One is no more... With the new breaking, the very fabric of the world has been torn asunder; unimaginable horrors now roam the realm where dreams and nightmares are no longer bound to the world of Tel'aran'rhiod. The Wheel of Time no longer spins by the hand of the Creator, while heroes of the past are now of the present. Civilizations sundered by the trial of Ages now flourish once more. No longer are their futures predetermined... no longer is one's destiny bound to another^�. And out of Chaos, new powers emerge...

- 13 different classes to choose from.

- 12 different races to choose from, including Ancient Races should you challenge the insidious Labyrinth.

- Battle it out with other players in multiple arenas ranging from the Holy Warzone to Capture the Flag games.

- Experience our customized 'weaves' system, which allows an endless array of dynamic and different playing styles.

- Pursue a craft in one of our eight different trades.

- Create your own role-playing guilds.

- Construct buildings within your clantown to fortify them against invaders.

- Not one to conform to society? Then become lowlife rogue, carousing and gambling for a living!

Mud Theme: Wheel of Time Book Series, Plus Original

Age of Chaos Mud Reviews

1 review found, Post a review

Review posted by Hryluk Torhen
Posted on Mon Nov 14 21:26:24 2005 / 0 comments
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I'd like to start this with the fact that Age of Chaos is both for the new mudder and old, but only if you like a challenge. The mud itself is helpful and friendly, many of the heroes who've topped out their characters levels routinely tank and hit for experience groups as well as lead.

That's the thing that's really hooked me on Age of Chaos, the real sense of community among the players. I took a many year break from playing while in the military, and when I came back, friendly people were still here and willing to help.

Our weaves system is unique and allows unprecedented amounts of customization for various playing styles. All in all, I think this mud has everything for the intelligent and discerning player looking for a good mud to call home.

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