I've been playing T2T for 18 years; almost two decades. Suffice to say that a game that keeps players coming back that long and this religiously have to have something special about it.
The good is everything having to do with the game as a coded system. No joke, once you get past the steep learning curve this is the greatest MUD in existence.
The bad tends to be the community. Not all of it's bad, of course, but the overlying atmosphere is one dominated by gatekeeping middle-aged dude bros insisting "there are no girls on the internet." If you have an even remotely female-sounding name, prepare to be picked off the wholist and become a point of discussion publicly over the global OOC comm, up to and including bets over which one of their notorious male creepers will prey upon you first. It's like a huge swathe of the male community stopped maturing around whatever age they were when 4chan stopped being relevant. And it's a huge shame.
In slightly shorter terms, best MUD on the internet, but if you'd prefer not to be harassed, create with a male name.
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