Do not play here. Don't even try it the first time.
Seriously, don't.
Fantastic game, code-wise. Heavily addictive, satisfying systems, tons to do and lots to play with. You will, however, be treated like a piece of garbage by every single member of their Staff in ways that even "survivors" of some of the worst games in history will be surprised by. No one I have ever met who plays Star Conquest is happy to be there. They're there because they got hooked, put too much time into their character to walk away, and only rarely have to deal with the Staff. I was on the same page. Sure, they spy on every single thing you say to every single person no matter the medium of communication and shove your nose in the idea that that's normal behavior, but you don't have to interact with them much. The mental gymnastics you have to do to stick around are insane.
No big incident took place in my case that caused me to stop logging in, I just did. I was actually fiddling around on a completely unrelated game when a Staff member sent me a tell and I got a wave of stress-nausea. That was my hint it was time to cut ties and wish the remaining members of the Star Conquest Stockholm Syndrome-havers the best.
If you play there now, please leave. You might be surprised how much happier you are for having done so. If you've never touched it, seriously, don't.
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