Since its conception, Fallout: El Dorado has been a labor of love to the series, drawing from all the games and supplementary material with particular favor paid to New Vegas. An extensive homebrewed system of perks, attributes, and skills make it easy to create any sort of character one desires for the Fallout world, with special Archetype perks available to provide a basic framework for a concept. The game has an active, Ameri-centric playerbase, resulting in slow mornings and very late nights but a bustling afternoon and evening. There are often multiple staff and player run events a week, with generous rewards and creative license to promote running and participating.
Roleplay is primarily character-driven, with ongoing world events and plot arcs providing color to the world individual PCs pursue their ambitions in. While player-vs-player activity is allowed and mechanically supported, the ultimate goal is a mutually enjoyable experience, rather than triumphing over another player. Death is strictly consent-based, though conflict in all its forms has greater leeway.
I've been playing for roughly a year now, and while there's been ups and downs, I can't think of another ST I know who puts the same tireless work into creating original material and advancing plots, even catering encounters and storylines to individual characters to help work them into the grander narratives. Vault Girl's devoted and passionate and it shows in the sheer volume of her output. It's been my main game since I joined, and I don't intend to leave it any time soon.
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