Waterdeep has been a welcome home on and off for many years since I started in 2002. The staff and player base are friendly and helpful, there are multiple things to do (PVP, Dungeons, Mini-Runs, Mprog Crafting) outside of just being social, and the feel of the game is very smooth.
Some features I found hard to mud without are the simplist, there is a built in ANSCI-Colored Map that you can open anywhere and it will show you what you know of the area, I found spamming M even i've ventured somewhere before just as habbit and when i've tried other Muds its a feature i very much miss. The runs/dungeons operate on timers and are easily accessed through some in-game commands, they are enjoyable and offer items for all stages of the endgame, the staff will also *spice* up a run creating it into an Immortal Quest which will yeild better rewards, besides that there are heroic versions of a few that give new challenges. The coloring of the world is very well done, finished is the times of perpetual grey and black, and the options you have as a player to modify your own space is pretty endless as long as its on theme.
The leveling system of Waterdeep is simple and strait forward, it doesnt offer a long grind which allows the creation of multiple characters of different classes a labor-less task, depending on your creation XP. Once at hero you have the activities described above with Runs and PVP being the most popular, and in-between there is a pursuit of extra skills, hp/mana, and various forms of currency to push your hero to cap which can take quite a while and is enjoyable.
In conclusion if you're looking for a Mud that has a social adult crowd, forgotten realms & Final Fantasy flavor, with some fun activities, Waterdeep is a good place to visit.
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