I would like to preface what will be a rather negative review with the very important fact that this was once not only my favorite Mud, but my favorite game. Armageddon Mud has everything one could want from a RP mud, including a nigh-flawless code, beautiful writing, a deep, vast lore, and many other great attributes. Despite all of this, the game has devolved into one which I would not recommend to anyone; the primary reason for this is the Staff. Staff on Armageddon mud are fickle at the best of times, and immoral/dictatorial at the worst. They treat the game like their own personal sandbox in which they can play god for the benefit of ~20 players who are themselves or their close friends. Try killing the wrong player, for instance, and you will find the player resurrected, and yourself banned. Try making a legitimate change in-game that a staffer is not fond of, you will find your character singled out and targeted with staff-animated enemies until they are dead. The staff-driven plots are ones that have almost no tangible effect on the average player, but provide entertainment for their selected Aristocracy to experience. They tend to ignore any player-driven ideas or changes in the world, unless it is against the grain for the story they want to be told, in which case they will put a halt on it. In the glory-days, you could see 100+ players online on the weekends. Now, you are LUCKY to see that number break 40. The massive dip in players has caused them to close sections of the world, close clans, close guilds, and close race options. At this moment, simply googling 'Armageddon Mud Forums' will bring you not to the official forum for Armageddon Mud, but to a 'Shadow-Board' which posting in overtly will get you banned from the game. This Shadow-Board has hundreds of former players who are equally dissatisfied with the horrible turn their beloved game has taken these last several years. Rather than changing their ways, and attempting to regain a massive playerbase, staff would rather keep playing in their sandbox, and devote their time to making unwanted, unnecessary changes that are universally disliked by the still-active players. The game has also become a haven for politically-correct lunacy. The game's mantra is 'Murder, Corruption, Betrayal.' But try saying the word 'Slut,' 'Retarded,' or any other politically-incorrect phrase in-game, and you will earn OOC opposition from the playerbase and staff. I would love to come back and play this game into which I have devoted hundreds of days of playtime - with great relish, I might add - but without a massive reform of the Staff, it is pointless.
As it is, this is a dying game which I would not recommend to anyone.
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