Running the oWoD, (Classic Revised Edition World of Darkness). This Multi-Sphere game has a long history both IC and OOC.
New players are quite often welcomed within the first few seconds of connecting and help is available. A detailed and
ambianced IC grid boasts a +rent system for characters to rent homes while the help files explain policy and house
rules with clarity and with an effort toward consistency.
Staff is attentive and active in day to day affairs on the game. An implemented +risk system works to serve as a system
of consent for character action and consequence. Honestly it's not perfect, and is susceptible to players seeking to
disrupt the game using the Risk system to avoid consequence.
In cases like this, Staff has a process to investigate abuses of the system, and are willing to judge impartially
(Protip: Log anything you think Staff may need to see). There have been times when Players have had to be disciplined
and removed from the game, though that is in rare, extreme cases when players absolutely refuse to take responsibility
for themselves and their actions. Mature, well balanced players will find a good place to play. Immature troublemakers
will find their antics eventually landing them in hot water. So a word of warning, players are expected accept
responsibility for themselves.
Recommend looking into the associated Wiki and have a look about before logging in.
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