This may seem like an odd thing to complain about, but i made a black character on this mud. Now, this mud is basically a crime simulator - it has coded depictions of drug abuse, violence, and things like police shooting you if you look too weird. Cyberpunk dystopia basically.
Now, most people who play shadowrun TT or otherwise make white or asian characters, and the distinction in 'flavor' between characters are mostly one of 'punk' vs. 'square', or as it's called 'pink mohawk' vs. 'black trenchcoat'.
So, i decided to make a black 'lowlife' criminal character, putting some effort into descriptions and such. No different from a white mohawk-sporting punk with a gun or whatever. I also decided to make him a decker, and have his backstory be that he uses his appearance and behavior as a criminal part-time- chiphead thug to mask his actual profession as a decker (computer hacker).
What happened a few minutes after i finished entering my description was that an imm teleported me to a segregated room of some sort and asked me to enter something that 'wasn't bullshit'.
When i asked what about my character's description was 'bullshit' the imm in question simply banned me, without further discussion.
To clarify, i'm not one of those alt-right-people and i don't want to drag this into some sort of 'SJW' territory, i think it's a bit more complex than that.
Just want to give a heads up to anyone connecting re. my experience. I like Shadowrun and i like cyberpunk, and I'm used to GMs having very wide standards of play. But people need to know what those standards are before coming to the kitchen table, so to speak.
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