Legends of the Jedi is by far one of the best SWR based starwars muds
out there: Solid code. High player count when storylines are hot. An
evolving mud wide story line that resets every few years. Quality
roleplay opportunities. However that said while there are certainly
positive aspects of the mud there are also some glaring issues as
well. LOTJ has a clique problem that is widely acknowledged by both
staff and players and these cliques run rampant in all aspects of the
MUD. Be it setting up exclusionary pvp groups to settle IC or OOC
scores via the use of alternate characters, attempts to guide the muds
storylines via out of game methods (also called aimcliques,) using
cliqued force users to 'sense' or 'awaken' friends or stacking the
Role Play Council to ensure voting goes their way the cliques have
been a big problem and continue to be.
Just be warned that if you decide to play LOTJ there are two levels
of gameplay at work: The IC scene and the secondary (or primary for
some) OOC scene which tries to control the IC scene.
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