Darkmists has multiple class/race combos, that are always evolving. Behind the scenes, the staff is always working to make the Mud better. They take criticism well, and are always open to suggestions from players. The pk system works wonderfully, and seems to be well balanced. DM has a unique limited gear system, that lets you further personalize your builds, and helps you reach full potential. Like with any mud, you will have your awesome players, and a few bad lemons here and there. In all, the players I have met are all enjoyable to rp with, and are fun to pk with. The Immortals tend to make time for RP when they can, and often try to host global events. One such event is the Gladiators Arena, which puts all players into graveyard mode. You can fight in FFA matches, and multiple versions of team matches, without the fear of losing your equipment. The DM forum does a great job at keeping players informed and up to date on the state of the mud. Just in the past few years, there has been many new sub-classes, and sub-races implemented into the game. DM also has a unique questing system, that allows players to gain ranks solo, or in groups. The quests are also a source of finding new equipment, and in some cases. You can quest for special 'perks' to your character. Example being the Lich quest, and coming soon. True Dragon quests. There is also multiple immortals, past and present you can worship, and rp the religion. If you do well, and rp the religion to the T, gaining that Immortals attention. You may go as far as earning a brand. Brands that are rewarded, will give unique abilities with them. In a whole, my time playing DM has been a very enjoyable experience.
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