I have read a number of the other submissions, but cannot speak for them, beside professing to be mildly puzzled. Perhaps in time people have mellowed, or the views were mostly one-sided.
I will note (as do many others) that the descriptions are universally excellent with a fair amount of MUD to explore. The tedium of grinding is also helpfully split up by interesting quests ('runs') given to you by Johnsons.
Nevertheless there is the problem of the fundamental mechanics of the game being less-than-obvious, along with details about gear being slightly muddled within this semi-complex game system.
Finally, there is a distinct barrier between In-Canon and In-Code; everything people can RP out isn't necessarily things that are coded, and the rules tend to differ.
Fortunately, any shadowrunner veterans will have no issues jumping straight into the gameworld with only the most casual of glances at various helpfiles. Newbies will have more issues...
As was my starting position frequent use of the HELP command and inquiring of other people did the trick. Everyone was (and is) quite patient, so long as you are polite, although if you are inquiring about quests you will have to resort to asking in character... and relying on cryptic clues. Part of the fun is the discovery!
I can refute the comment that the staff allow ICer and OOC to flow into each other, but players can get emotional over the characters that they have invested themselves into. Everyone writes very well and it is with fond memories I recall roleplaying out stories. Even when they are of emotional turmoil pitted against other characters.
Despite my constant toeing the line when it comes to rules, I have yet to be banned temporarily or permanently, and am part of no 'clique.' Having intended no malice and merely displaying curiosity likely helped.
The staff is friendly. Most of the players are willing to give you the time of day, as long as you are willing to listen to them in turn.
So log in, make a character! Stay awhile and listen.
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