A standard pitch of 201 levels, 11 classes, with mining/poaching/capturing and finding items, if you were smart, should be enough to lure you here to the realm of Solar Eclipse to at least try the robust combat system and areas. What do I mean? Classes REALLY syngergize well with each other. As you remort into a new class after leveling up to 201 you gain the new class's abilities while retaining all your past abilities. The combos you can dream up are truly endless.
You can expect areas that really make you think out side the box to solve the problem. You like puzzle areas? SE has em. You like insanely hard mobs with great rewards? SE has em. You want areas where you can just murder everything? No problem. You like gathering different types of gear to min/max? You got it, SE has it. Hate gathering gear? Get to 201 and mine the best metals there are and ignore (for the most part) gear gathering. Quest for unique and powerful pieces that attach to weapons, gain reputation points to buy sweet quality of life items. Gain promotion classes to further your abilities and stretch your character to the max.
Enjoy capturing monsters to fight rare and difficult bosses in the arena to gain sweet rewards. Mine up metals to craft armor and weapons to cover gaps in gear or stats. Pick plants to make pills to buff or heal you.
Want PvP? It's there on a voluntary basis. The player base needs to pick up to allow for some sweet competition in PvP. Hate places where you can't speak with the lead IMM because (s)he is too good for you? Not here. Routinely he will respond to questions about mechanics, and even engage in discussion about changing things that may suck, be over powered or under powered. There's even more I could tell you about, like player shops, player housing, marriage/divorce, but sometimes you just have to come here and see it.
TLDR: Give it a shot. Let the world capture ya and people that play it intrigue. Also, if you come and have questions ask for me, Mordor (such a lame name, know) and I'll be happy to assist you, and if not busy, spellup and heal ya!
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