This game has an incredibly unique setting. Taking place just as WW2 begins, as Dumbledore begins to rise to power at Hogwarts and as Tom Riddle begins attending Hogwarts, this game features fantastic period settings and wonderfully antiquated takes on the Harry Potter universe. Unfortunately, staff ruins it.
They are a husband and wife team. The wife, Boo, is emotional and talks down to players nearly every time she posts. Her husband, Seancee, seems to spend as much time trying to smooth over her poor written people skills as he does running the game. Their marriage makes them function much like a clique. They encourage discussion, input and suggestions, but if they do not match what they are already thinking or want, it is dismissed with condescension, curt 'You're wrong' messages or disinterest.
Staff also keeps office hours, which is just silly. They claim it's so they can RP with their own characters (of which, they each literally have a dozen alts), but yet they hardly ever RP with any of them. Frustratingly, the idle policy applies to everyone BUT those alts: Players are required to not just log in, but must actually have a scene to keep from idling out. If they spent less time creating characters they didn't play, and more time staffing, the game might be better.
This staff also has a tendency to spend all of their efforts on making the magic and quidditch code mechanics as complicated as possible. They have spend so much time on this, that they don't have any time to run any plot, which is the greatest frustration of all. Tom Riddle is at school, but is NEVER NPCd (I recall only one single scene with him in the entire life of the game, and he was used as background in an 'arriving at Hogwarts' scene). WW2 is starting, but they would rather have characters debate whether or not muggles should know magic exists (a pointless debate, since the result is already determined by canon in the Harry Potter books that take place in the future). The period in time is so filled with interesting places and things, but the only thing to do is RP sitting in the Great Hall or sitting in a pub. That gets old after a year. Players need plot, and staff isn't interested in hearing that.
There's another review here that notes that if a game isn't willing to listen to their players, the game is destined to die. It's very true. Just ask all the people that have left this game bored in the last few months.
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