So, I'm relatively new to MUDs. I've only been around for about a year and a half, and in that time, I haven't played many more than one or two of them.
I found myself obsessed with them quickly. After a few months, began wondering if I could use MUDs as a creative outlet, even without the Roleplay... The only problem was I had no clue where to begin.
While researching codebases for MUDs, I stumbled upon The Builder's Academy. I thought it was too good to be true... These guys could teach me and coach me in learning to build for a MUD?? And eventually, should I become interested, even help me learn how to code???
Sure enough, I submitted my application, and upon entering the MUD and getting familiar with the commands, I soon had my own area with which to do whatever I pleased. This is what I found in my experience here.
The help-files supplied are extremely helpful, describing with much detail each aspect of the building commands in easy-to-access and easy-to-understand menus. Rumble, the owner and administrator, works very hard to be available to new builders whenever he can, and makes sure to answer questions in-person whenever possible, and with great patience. Of course, he and the other admins cannot hold your hand or do your work for you, but if you have the drive to learn how to build or code, they are extremely supportive and helpful in your endeavor. Especially when it comes to more advanced customization, such as triggers, the TBA forums are an amazing reference. If you don't find what you're specifically looking for, Rumble and his staff will do their best to get you pointed in the right direction.
I highly recommend TBA to people I know who are interested in expanding their knowledge about MUDs. I have found it to be a wonderful place for practice, guidance, and application. If you have the interest, the time, and the drive, they are dedicated to teaching you.
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