Time for my review :) Shadowgate is the only True D&D mud I have been able to find. If you are a D&D fan, you will absolutely love this mud! Many rules. such as skills, stats, save and more are taken from Players Handbook. So if you have some knowlegde of the basic D&D system, you will create your character easily. And most likely enjoy how close to the books it is to play this game :-)
Shadowgate is VERY roleplay enforced. If you like this is very indevidual I guess. But fact is that when you meet other players in the game. Many will expect you roleplay the character you have chosen. This should not scare any new players away, as a lot of the stable playerbase is really friendly and always available to help out newbie. If you do decide to try out this MUD. Don't be afraid to spam the newbieline with questions. I think it is very much expected to be honest :)
PK is available, but it is often restricted by roleplay. The reasoning behind that statement. If you roll a good aligned character, people will generally not appriciate if you go on a killing spree. You can of course make a evil char, who don't mind the weekly kill. But the Imms/avatars/Wizzes (call them what you like), will often implement gamewide consequences. I.E. If you kill an other player in a city. The City-guard will 'hear' the rumor that you have killed within their walls as you will be wanted in said city. Often guards will attack you on sight and drag you to jail for punishment. Sometimes even set a golden bounty on your head! You can PK without such consequences. But I'll let you discover how yourself ;)
I will try keep my review to a minimum, as I don't bother to read huge 20 pages reviews myself :p
But in general: )This mud is Very Roleplay intensive, and the stable playerbase do enjoy roleplay and will often engage you in roleplay.
)Admin/Imms/Avas are still keeping the game alive, creating world-wide roleplay happenings (not on daily or weekly basis, but they will occur).
)Newbiehood. As on any mud is the hardest time in the game! But both players and imms will often do what they can to answer questions. Never be afraid to ask.
)I recommend logging on and trying, if you enjoy the D&D system and the roleplay this system offers. You will enjoy this MUD as well.
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