My time in New Worlds: Ateraan was very brief, I think it may have lasted an hour at the most.
I started the Tutorial and went through it, it was very basic but helpful.
I then proceeded into the creating of an actual character.
I had already chosen my name and gender before starting the tutorial and went through it with little problems.
I had just gotten started, when I was shortly contacted by what I am guessing is an Administrator of some kind
telling me that my name is unacceptable because someone else had already used it in a previous version of the game.
However, when choosing my name there was no way to check if it was something that was unacceptable.
I was then recommended some lame alterations to my name as possible names and that I should retire and come back to start the
whole process over again with a new name.
Not a good start to a game that has so many mixed reviews in my eyes, though what I was able to Navigate through seemed alright.
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