Slothmud is now on it's fourth incarnation and boasts a fully
developed eight class system whereby a player can eventually learn
most spells / skills of every class. Specialization is found in
choosing the order of the classes, making for a great diversity of
characters and playing styles.
Slothmud is geared towards the long-term player. It is as rewarding
as it is challenging, allowing advancement along a number of parallel
systems simultaneously.
The atmosphere is relaxed, with little to no 'role-playing'
involved and zero player versus player action. The game is constructed
in such a way that maximizes positive player interaction. This
atmosphere is very refreshing compared to the negative ways people
often interact on the internet. As such the playerbase is very
eclectic, representing many ages and nationalities.
Ultimately is the combination of a very sophisticated, challenging
mud with a super friendly playerbase that makes Sloth such a
compelling game that continuously ranks among the highest muds on TMC.
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