This is a warning to anyone who might consider playing Duris in its current state, with certain immortals in charge of dealing with the race wars and the players.
I am what you can consider an old elite player of Duris, been playing it since 96 or 97 or so. Duris was once full pk/loot and all about race wars and no matter what you were encouraged to hunt and kill/loot the enemy race war side.
This has changed, the current imm staff have two members named Venthix and Octavaz, whom are abusing their imm powers to stop players they personally dislike from dominating in the actual game.
Basically Octavaz wanted to run a quest for goodies, and one for evils. She then did the mistake of putting in her title that there was a quest for both sides. My side did ours fair and square, then wanted to go hunt the enemy (the way Duris is supposed to be played mind you). Octavaz tried to influence us to leave the enemy alone, I refused. We went and killed some evil that was trying to do their quest (no mercy like it's supposed to be on Duris).
Octavaz then later summoned me, while I was in the middle of leading a zone to feed my 3 artifacts, froze my char and started harassing me sending me threatening tells that I shouldn't ruin her quest. She basically interfered in the race wars, stopping a major player on one side from feeding his artifacts, based upon her own emotions about having her spoon feeding quest for the weakened enemy side ruined (an attitude and will to race war that was once utterly encouraged by Cython and other original Duris imms).
I then proceeded to post a factual explainatory post on the Duris forums explaining how Octavaz had handled this situation and why she was wrong. This other imm Venthix, whom has been waiting for an excuse to stop me from dominating in the game, then terminates my char using the false accusation of flaming Octavaz on forums as an excuse (there was no flame in the forum post what so ever, only facts and copy/pastes of what occurred in the situation in game).
Basically, I've spent a few months after the fresh player wipe being a major player, spent many hours collecting cash and doing zones to max my char in levels, epic skills, artifacts, equipment and so on. Many hours spent dominating the enemy side and stopping them from making progress and pretty much winning the race war the way it's supposed to be played.
All this is terminated in one second by two imms that seems to have forgotten or does not know what Duris is about. Duris the land of bloodlust is not the game it is supposed to be if they handle things this way, and I would not recommend it to anyone who like full pk/loot. A great game in theory, but not worth your time and effort based on the actions and attitudes of these two imms.
They will claim the reason was me trying to influence them code wise which partly is true, I did tell them I would not show any mercy to their precious evils as long as the evils had more powerful races and group caps remained equal, but the only times I said these things was when Octavaz herself sent me threatening tells when I was about to go race war the questing evils, technically I did nothing illegal according to the Duris spirit and way of the game, this is all their wrong doing, and now I'll leave it at that.
- Kenon, former Duris player who won't come back unless a higher imm handles this and makes these two admit their wrong handling of this situation.
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