I remember the first thing that blew me away about Duris - It's dynamic world map system. After playing the text-only style games, I was actually confused when I first wandered out into the wilderness of Duris.
I wandered outside a main town and had to get my bearings as a live map updates my location and the location of other things relative to me.
As I sat outside of this large town, I came to the second thing that blew me away about Duris: It's dynamic PVP setup. While sitting outside exploring my surroundings, I suddenly saw the following:
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility! A Grey Elf's bash sends you sprawling! A Grey Elf's slash nearly cuts you in half. A Grey Elf neatly beheads you with a masterful slash. You have died.
Duris maintains a constant state of war between two massive factions.
The 'good' players, which consist of dwarves, elves, humans (and many more)
These 'goods' are pitched against the 'evil' players which consist of trolls, ogres and orcs (and many more!)
I had decided (against the specific direction of the login menu) to roll an 'evil' character. It said that this was for 'experienced players only'
I had played plenty of MUDs before! Surely, I was experienced... It wasn't until a fellow evil befriended me and then stabbed me in the back to steal my equipment, that I realized that maybe the evil side wasn't for me...
The racewar system of Duris is quite unique. In fact, the thrill of the hunt on this game has been so powerful that it has drawn me away from other large MMOs. I played Everquest, WoW and many others; however, none of them compared to the thrill of a Duris hunt. The unpredictability of an attack looms over you constantly. The anticipation of attacking someone in your own ambush raises your blood pressure until you finally are on top of them.
Over the years, Duris has implemented tons of awesome improvements. I will list a few: Dynamic sailing system - Includes cargo running, contraband running and an AMAZING Ship to Ship combat code.
Two 'Neutral' races - They have the option of playing on either side of the war.
Dozens of 'Epic' zones - Inside you can get unique items, artifacts and epic points to purchase additional skills.
Duris has been around for nearly 20 years and is showing no sign of going anywhere.
The PBase is stronger now than ever - if you're looking for a unique adrenaline-pumping experience, give Duris a shot!
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