Nanvaent is one of the oldest muds there is. It's a highly developed
medieval style mud with a huge play area, over 30 races and 14 guilds
- something to suit every play style.
Nanvaent is very newbie friendly When you start, you will appear in
the immigration office as a human. A short hop north will take you
into the newbie area, where you can learn all about the races, guilds
and basic commands. There is a CHAT and NEWBIE channel to speak to
other players and to get help.
I have tried quite a few other muds but Nanvaent is always the one I
go back to. Very simple to get the hang of (the easiest I have found).
I have yet to start a character without being kitted out and given
money by higher players within a few hours.
If you are new to muds, fancy a change or are just curious - try
Nanvaent. We are a happy, friendly bunch from both sides of the pond.
Join Nanvaent, have fun, make friends - become one of us. See you
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