Let me start out by saying I've been mudding for years. Never have I
come across one like Legends of Krynn. I've played games ranging from
hundreds of players online at a time, down to just a handful or less.
Legends of Krynn has an absolutely wonderful playerbase. Helpful,
friendly, and in general, just good people. The Divine, too, are
friendly, always starting RP, even giving your character buffs or
simple experience just for RP'ing.
IC is just that, and RP is enforced. So, you're not loaded down with
a bunch of OOC spam if you're trying to stay in character, which is
really nice!
Your character isn't going to live forever, which is another relief.
Characters die from old age, or in battle, and are reborn, allowing
you to switch classes (or race) and try something else. I believe
Krynn is unique in this, and it's much better than having a 400 year
old character hobbling around.
They're always looking for more people to join! Come on in and give
it a few days. I hope you like it as much as I do and stick around!
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