I've been playing on Denver for over 5 years now, and it has had its
ups and downs. Just like any game out there. The last two years
we've been striving to make the game better, improve theme, and get
issues resolved as fast as possible.
But like all things, there are bumps in the road and players may not
get what they want right away. Or at all. That is the nature of a
game with so many different players and needs. We strive to fulfill
all the requests made of staff to the best of our abilities.
If you are looking for a fun game, with lots of people to RP with,
Denver is the place. If you are wanting to become a powerful sammy or
mage, Denver is the place. Basically, Denver and its staff does its
best to help you achieve whatever goals you wish to set.
That being said, personal experience is the best if you aren't sure.
There are almost always at least a few helpful players and staffers
on to answer questions and let you know if what you want is possible,
and if it isn't how to go about it in alternate ways to achieve the
same mark.
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