NaughtyMuffin has three things that every good social MU* needs:
it's relaxed, diverse, and fun.
Now, you'll note that I'm staff there, so perhaps I'm biased; but
I was a player for over a year before I became staff.
It's relaxed; the staff there's tolerant of everything except being
a jerk, and the playerbase, as a result, has few jerks. There's an
actual policy about how you should relax and have fun playing -
entitled News Pretendy Fun Time Games.
It's diverse; there's players and characters of every possible
race, gender, and sexual orientation. I've heard the common complaint
- that heterosexual males are ignored - but my male character hasn't
experienced it, getting plenty of attention from females.
It's fun; in addition to News Pretendy, it has a theme (involving
Half Life 2-style conquest by Puchuus and Raving Rabbids) that you can
ignore at will, but which provides a platform for happy silliness.
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