Started playing this mud in Dec 08. At first, it was good, some of the players proved very helpful. Imms, with an exception or two, hardly ever seen. Weeks could go by without them. And then within the last month or so an influx of self proclaimed 'veteran players' came in, which is where the problems began.
The roleplay became less based around RP, and more based around OOC RP. It started to become obvious that there was no fairness in the way things were dealt with. Example: The NR President(Player only on the mud for a few months), seeing his planets being harassed by the new emperor(A veteran player) and decides to place a bounty on him in order to quietly remove the threat before a war is started. This bounty is declared illegal, without any imms talking to the player of the NR president, and overturned. HOWEVER, the emperor is now somehow given IC knowledge of this, and can use it in his RP, and then gets things twisted to the point where he bounties the NR president who hasn't even so much as touched an Imp planet or personnel, in order to fend off a war. And that one is legitimized.
As well, it is apparent you can be bountied for joining the republic and quitting, for no other reason than that is a legitimate reason to call you a spy, even if you make it known you quit simply because you disagreed with the leadership. I personally, based off of my experience, decided to suicide my characters rather than play on a mud where I saw too much to be disagreed with which would only cause further problems. The reaction of the one Imm on? He told me to stop acting childish. when I explained I was leaving, rather than play somewhere in which I disagree with the way I feel RP is decided, arranged, and legitimized OOCLY, he decided to take this as a personal assault, and make rude comments, and offer to help me with my killing of my characters since he hadn't done it in a while.
So, with the exception of a few extremely helpful players, I see no reason anyone should really play this mud. Unless you enjoy that style, then you can conform to the manipulated RP and fit in perfectly, rather than one who causes trouble simply because you choose to quit.
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