As an 'experienced' mudder who started role playing way back in 1995, I have sampled my fair share of muds, mushes, moos and muxes, but Dark Risings is the only place I call home. What makes it so great? I'm glad you asked!
First and foremost of my requirements for any mud is a role play environment firmly rooted in rich history. The land of Rhia is steeped in lore, so it's easy to immerse yourself in this fantasy world. From the Creation story to the history of the first vampires, from Romany stories passed down by mouth to the exhaustive battle lores of the noble warriors of Crimson Rain, and from the magical tomes of Arcaenum to the maps and studies of Dawning, Dark Risings offers a firm foundation for exploring a new land. In-game quests built around evolving storylines also further enhance the history of the game.
Secondly, Dark Risings has many players who strive for depth in their role play and character development, which makes role play more than a 'hit and miss' occurrence. On many muds, only established characters seem to provide a solid base of role players, but at Dark Risings, we have many players who begin with incredible back stories and truly make their characters come to life! This consistency in role play keeps the world of Dark Risings fresh and new. If you don't have your character completely planned out, though, that's okay! You'll find plenty of opportunities to discover exactly who they are.
Thirdly, RP and PK are balanced. Although PK isn't my primary interest, I appreciate that those who do enjoy it have an avenue to pursue. Lately, I have even noticed that those well-versed in battle tactics are very willing to teach those new to the game who want to learn. Clans and guilds do have conflict, rogues do steal, people do fight, and all of it stems from role play and spawns fresh interaction.
If you're looking for a stable and established mud with plenty of opportunity for role playing and pking, come check out Dark Risings. You won't be disappointed in what you find!
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