Alright I figure with all the other reviews about this game, I'd do another one to clear things up.
First off let me start out by saying that all the areas are well done and the mud has some great builders, namely, Sheylynn, Kestia, Seir Mehmet and a few other names I most likely forgot.
Next let me start off with the RP. The RP is well rewarded and can suit most styles of rp, from a evil blood-thirsty thug to a knight in golden armor. There is SRP but its contain behind closed doors or on a lawless isle that has no rules other then brute strength or power, but most of the players. There also always major rp lines to get into, from helping an empire grow to stopping a demonic threat from one of the moons of the world.
Now about the players has whole, all of them are newbie friendly ooc and always willing to help people who are new in anyway they can. And most of the players are very good rpers and even create their own lines at times.
Now about the staff has a whole, I start with LAW first, the two law imms that do the work are generally fair and give more then one warning before bringing down the hammer of law on someone who keeps breaking rules after a few warnings, now onto the RP ones, the RP imms are generally fair and try their hardest to enhance the rp of the players, even helping players out with their own lines they create or making their own for the players enjoyment. Over all the staff has a whole is solid, just with two problems, they have two imms who don't do much for the players or to aid the game, other then srp with other mortals or do things to enhance only their rp at the expense of the players and other imms, I could give some cases of the two doing this, but I don't want two bad apples turning away people.
That is it for my review look forward to seeing you all in game.
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