Yesterday I finally stopped playing batmud. The reason for this has
been a continual shift to mainstream sentimentality. I used to like
the easygoing attitude on the channels. Usually the chatter had
nothing to do with the game per se.
Yesterday however the mud started enforcing a policy of silencing
opinions that aren't in accordance with the personal beliefs of who
ever happens to be watching the channel. These immortals watch these
channels rarely in a supervisory capacity, usually they just chat
along about what ever is the topic. Recently however even old players
have been banned and even removed from the mud apparently on whim.
I can not recommend batmud anymore as a rewarding playing experience.
The immortals are out of line and the investment of time does not
translate to any kind of reward ingame. The only way you can get to
'act out' is if you donate huge sums of money to the organization
running batmud. This gets you a 'out of jail free' card and basically
let's you dismiss any of the standards in the game. (see: Nazrix)
There is a time for all things, I feel that your time would be better
spent choosing another mud over batmud. The game engine is retro to
the extreme and the face lift currently in progress is eroding all the
good qualities that originally attracted me to the mud.
Who knows, if the organization gets rid of the bad fruit in the
basket, there could still be some kind of redemption, but there is no
indication of this happening.
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