New to doing mud reviews or any reviews on any game, but let's put that aside and I'll try my best.
I've been playing Swmud on and off for about 10 years now and the gameplay is unlike any i have seen on many other muds and i've played ALOT of muds out there, but always wind up back here. If you're a starwars fan i strongly suggest that you stop by here. Enough of that, i'll start with all the nice features it has.
Swmud has 10 guilds: assassin, bounty hunter, diplomat, jedi, mercenary, merchant, pilot, scientist, slicer, and smuggler. Each guild comes with an average of 30 unique skills. Player can choose three guilds for their character, with the option of taking a fourth guild at higher levels. Assassin and BH are forced-PK guilds, and Diplomats are forced non-PK. There are 22 player-races, among them Bothan, Clawdite, Falleen, Wookiee, and Zabrak. Each race comes with two unique race skills and bonuses. Swmud also has movable vehicles, ranged combat and an extensive space combat system. You can also build your own ship that is stored safely when you are not playing.
An also neat feature of Swmud is that it offers you the choice to chose a team. Want to be part of the empire? Join the Imperial team or if you want to be part of the Rebel scum select the Rebel team. Want to a profiteer during a time of war? Choose to go neutral. Choosing a faction also allows you access to the team room and donation bin for some some decent gear from generous teammates *unless you're neutral! no bin for you, but you're able to PK anyone you want..which is nice*
Anyway, Swmud already has a decent sized playerbase of at least 15 people logged on at all times, but they could always use some new bantha fodder so come join Swmud (and hopefully you'll join the PK side of the game! Oh did i mention that the pk system is one of the best pk systems i've seen? Relies more on player skill than the guild you're in, but the guild's you chose also does play a part in how well you do i'm not gonna lie so okay it's like 70% player skill and 30% guild combination). But anyway, stop by and join the fun.
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