As a long time player, 3k is my hobby. After much experience in the area this is where I make my home and for good reason. I've played many years, and there are a hundred other regulars that have made 3k their home as well. We all know each others names, party together at the official mud party each year, and are invested in one another as a community. Having an awesome team of people to play and flap with has kept me coming back.
Beyond the sappy stuff, 3 Kingdoms is the type of mud that helped give birth to the MMO era. It all started on muds, and the diversity of 3 Kingdoms touches every aspect of any MMO you will play. The system of guilds and their varied played styles covers pretty much any style you like to play. The crazy damage guy or the crazy tanking guy, the summoner, the cyborg, and everything between. The great part is, it's not like there's just 1 way to tank. Healing, dodge based, AC based, and combinations of them all. Doing damage isn't focused around just beaty sticks and lightning bolts, there's a great system that covers all the damage styles of delay, DOT, penetrating, and everything else you can think of. The monsters and how they fight are just as innovative and complex. The depth and complexity of the guilds and monsters make challenges fighting from level 1 to all the way up as compelling puzzles and or down right dirty slobberknockers!
The questing system is totally optional, but the stories and flavor are too much to pass by. If the areas and quests were not as snazzy and creative we wouldn't spend the hours and hours mapping, searching, and questing in them year after year! I also like that with the 3 realms of Chaos, Science, and Fantasy, you can build any kind of story you want in any genre. There are shadow runs, dungeon crawls, moon walks, and diabolical alchemists. All the flavor you can ask for and not have to pay $12 bucks a month!
These are some of the many things that has kept 3 Kingdoms my hobby for so many years. The fighting keeps me entertained and challenged the advancement and questing keeps me interested. The community keeps me devoted. I hope other people like myself find their way to 3k. It's a good time with depth and flavor that is hard to equal.
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