First of all, I would just like to say that I have been playing this
MUD for almost 10 years now on and off, mostly on, heh. But my point
is no matter what game's I play sooner or later I always end up with
this one. With dozens of guilds and over 20 races to choose from you
will never get bored making a character here. There are always people
on willing to lend a hand, if you are respectful and courteous, people
who log on that are annoying will quickly be shunned by the player
base. If you're just starting out on RetroMUD I would suggest a
Dragon/Monk, this is a good way to get a feel on the game and
explore some, you can always find a druid to reincarnate
you which means you get to choose another race/guild with a tax to
your total exp gained. Most likely the greatest learning curve would
be mastering the world transport navigating through the
Retroverse's 6 planets, but with patience and a little research,
world transport becomes easy. I could go on and on about how great
Retro is but you should probably just give it a try yourself, you
wont regret it..and you may even become me.
Come in and play.
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