I've been playing aardwolf for almost forever it seems! Since the
summer of '99! And enough new things are added constantly that I still
find it worthwhile to log in every day. The things that keep me coming
back day after day? The constant changes and the people. A mud is
nothing if not for the people. I have people that are actually happy
to see me when I log on, and there are people I look forward to
talking to. Aardwolf is big enough that there are ALWAYS lots of
people online and small enough that I know of most the serious
players. Unlike a massive game, aardwolf has only 200-400 people
online at a time, you get to know many of them. This is GOOD!
Also, there's a brand new academy that makes learning the mud MUCH
easier now. Goals and tasks in a nice system, with rewards if you
complete the totally optional school. So if you get bored with the
school (it is BIG) you can wander away and come back later.
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