3k is an awesome mud, from the newbie experience all the way into the high end content and questing. As a newbie you have your own area called newbie land. This is reserved for newbies and makes getting familiar with 3k a snap. In addition to this, 3k has newbie helpers, players dedicated to ensuring the success of newbies. These two resources make 3k extremely newbie friendly.
Upon graduation from newbie land you are eligible to join a guild. This is one of many areas where 3k really shines. Each guild has extensive depth and theme associated with it. A quick rundown of all the guilds are: changeling, gentech, mage, sii, bards, cyborg, jedi, monk, witch, bladesingers, elemental, juggernaut, necromancer, breed, fremen, knight and priest. Some guilds excel at tanking (defense), while others excel at damage, and others still are more of a balance. Some guilds are good at the start of a boot run while others need a bit of work early on, but shine later as a result. The bottom line is the number of guilds, and variations in the guilds, along with the depth make it easy to find the guild for you.
Another aspect of 3k is the depth of the areas. I've heard there is an extensive review process when the wizards add an area into 3k. This maintains the high standards 3k has for areas. As you explore you begin to realize this depth in the insane amount of detail a single room has, let alone the area. In addition to this the various areas within each kingdom (science and fantasy) are tied together with an overall theme. This only adds to the area experience. On top of this there is a very extensive quest system with 3k. So if you tire from battle you can switch it up and quest.
In summary 3k provides a rich experience from newbie land all the way into high end content. I must admit I have work to do because I still haven't experienced all that 3k has to offer. I look forward to seeing you on 3k, and if you want a cool guild to join give necromancers a try.
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