TEXT?!?!?! That is always the response I get when I am asked about gaming and let people know I have played at the same text based rpg for over 12 years. It's hard for people to grasp not only that there are no pictures, but that I have been there for so long. 3K has a community and structure that makes it easy. Some of the best features of 3K that have kept me here all these years...
-Dedicated wizards. You can have the most awesome tricky code and great themes in the world, but it all means nothing without competent, active support to keep those things going. 3K wizards are active, creatively producing, and innovating, and that means a lot.
-Large, mixed user base. There are always lots of folks online, and it's a great mix of long term and new players. The long term players are invested in 3K's success and put the effort into helping new people, and new people keep things fresh and innovating. It's a great cycle!
-Lots of areas/activities. I have never seen a community with SO MUCH to do and see. This means that instead playing intensely, running out of things to do, and then quitting while bemoaning the wasted time, you feel as if there are always new things to do and you are progressing in an adventure rather than a 1-shot game.
-GREAT PEOPLE!!! The most important aspect for a game. Code is just bits of data, it's the people that make it a community, and 3K has the most dedicated, creative, and awesome people I have seen in a game.
Come by and take a look, you won't regret it! The 100s of great people I have met over the years can't all be crazy!
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