The End of the Line is like a second home to many people. The community has grown and shrunk with the passing of time, but EotL endures.
There are many players that are willing to help out new players, and a few that are out to exploit them, but that can be fun too. I'd say the average age of the playerbase is around 20-30 years old. We are hoping to get a surge of new players since the average Who reveals around 40-50 with only a fifth of them active at any given time.
There is really no roleplaying here with the exception of a few, but that isn't to say the experience can't be rich and rewarding. The admin has over the years, revamped lots of things like weaponcode, armorcode, combat, and guilds. I'd say overall the changes are for the better.
I've played EotL around 10 years now and I have seem maybe 70% of the mud. It is just huge. We used to have around 150 active players at the height of our existence so now it seems like endless rooms and few people.
There are lots of Quests to figure out, and enough combinations of races and guilds that getting bored is more of a conscious choice than anything else.
As far as player interaction goes, its rated M for Mature. That isn't to say we are all vulgar jerks or deviants (maybe!), but there is definitely no rules as far as language or NSFW offsite links.
One of my favorite new features is the automated Auction system. It's like eBay for gear. That really helps the good gear get out into the public much easier than previous years.
My other favorite new addon has to be the News channel with updated headlines from Digg, Fark, Cnn, Bbc, and more.
EotL also hosts other games like Bughouse (4 player drop chess) and Nethack ( with talk channels devoted to both. I don't know who I'd be without EotL.
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