I joined Serenity after a good MU*friend suggested it. From October
to February we had a blast. There were a couple catches here and
there, but for the most part, the world was fine for Joe Player.
Then the communication bugbear started. Staff ask you submit +reqs
for problems, but they close the request without ever telling you the
results. Staffer A never talks to Staffer B, so when you page up a
staffer, they have no idea what you're talking about. Rules and code
are changed without warning or notice. If you don't happen to be on
when these things are mentioned on the PubChan, you find out by
logging in and realizing everything changed. And then there's the
habit of Dark Staff lurking on every ship channel.
Oh and don't forget the space pirates, which have no resemblance to
Serenity that I've ever seen.
I liked the idea behind the game. I like a lot of the players, but
the Staff don't have their act together. And it's just not the place
for me.
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