Wow, what can I say? I began playing Cleft of Dimensions in the beginning of the millennium with a friend. The overall atmosphere wasn't too serious and we spent a lot of time being drunk in Rocket Town. For one reason or another, we stopped playing (in 2003, I believe). I came back in 2007 and things changed greatly and for the better.
The playerbase, completely different from the first experience, retained its friendly goofiness with a dash of seriousness when needed. I can't say I've felt more at home than here. Along with the players, the staff are very friendly and helpful. In my opinion, the staff's attitude affects the playerbase's attitude and in this area, the Cleft's staff have done well.
New areas are continually being built and the old areas I romped through as a wee'un had received major updates by the time I returned. Areas, though perhaps not so easy to find on one's first outing, are fairly easy to memorize after a trip through them. Based mostly on RPGs with a few non-RPG and anime areas, they are all linked in a believable way.
The Cleft's assortment of races is your most basic assortment of videogame races. Humans, hylians, reploids, and more have individual maximum statistics representing that race from its source. All races have an ability or two unique to that race, such as the hylian ability to discern another's alignment or a reploid's immunity to poisons.
Classes have been removed and adjusted in order to better define their differences. Classes such as ninja and dragoon were removed because they were too similar to other established classes. The remaining classes were tweaked and rebuilt from the ground up to the end that no two classes are quite the same anymore.
Overall, I find the Cleft of Dimensions to be a wholesome and entertaining MUD full of friendly players and staff and hope that readers of this review take it upon themselves to give the Cleft a try.
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