I always promised myself that if I ever had decided to post a review
i would make sure it was true...
The game is great. The players are amazing, the mechanics of the game
absolutely incredible. They are incredibly newbie friendly, easy to
play. The PK system is fabulous, the temple list extensive. Not a big
playerbase, but close knit. They do alot of fun stuff for us there...
But, all good things have bad to them as well... I have seen numerous
people kicked off this mud, most of the time, making no sense
whatsoever to myself, and still, I stuck around because I had faith
the the immortals were fair, and honest... Boy, was I backwards...
I thought that until I, myself, got kicked off the mud, and no matter
how much I pleaded for a reason why was given no honest reason, other
than being told that I was spreading rumors about the immortals, which
confused me, and left me wondering what I had said. I pleaded for them
to enlighten me and got nothing, other than a disconnect.
I love the game, and will miss it, but I find that the immortal staff
need to at least somehow communicate better. I am not spreading
rumors, not talking behind anyone's back, and should I ever get an
explanation will delete this post actually, for the game is a great
mud, and great community.
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