This MUD is rather sick. The character creation is ugly, the race names seem to be completely random, and the system of gaining skills isn't explained at all.
Aside from that, when trying to create my first character (and it'd have been my only character) I was prompted with a nice box listing rules for creating characters. You have to follow choose names that aren't from fantasy books, aren't famous people/places, and aren't two english words joined together.
Easy. I chose Scsi. OK, so it's an acronym in the IT world, but it's no more effed up than the random letters and apostrophes they chose for their very small selection of races.
After getting halfway through the creation process, I was booted back to the list of acceptable names. I figured either they didn't like Scsi, or there's a glitch in the system. So this time, I chose Sene.
Halfway through the creation process again, and I get booted back to the start. This time I figure it has to be a bug, right? There's no way that Sene breaks any of those rules. Unless they just don't like girls joining their MUD, and want it to be a sausage fest.
So I tried Sene again.. 10 seconds later a big block of text jumps at me telling me I'm banned from creating new characters.
Grats guys, that's an awesome MUD you have there. I hope some other newbies to your space have better luck, or you'll have a hard time keeping up the pbase I've heard about.
BTW. Want to know how I heard about this MUD? One of the players/imms were advertising on the one I play.
Like I said, sick.
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