I came into the mud at the suggestion of a friend of mine from school
(Jason a.k.a. Pyke). He told me about the mud, what kinds of things to
expect, the different classes and races available.
To be honest, I half expected it to be similar to other muds I have
played. I have never been more happy to be proven wrong.
The playerbase in general is very newbie friendly. The RP is very
rich. Most players will go out of their way to RP with someone even if
it is someone they don't know ICly.
The main thing that really stands out in my opinion, however, is that
there are so many paths you can take with your character. From being a
lowly engineer on a meager salary, to a bounty hunter, to a smuggler
with your hands in someone's pockets, to even a slicer with your
hands in someone's bank accounts...the possibilities for character
arc advancement are only limited to your imagination.
If you have been bored with Star Wars muds before, I urge you to at
least give LoTJ a shot. The immortals are friendly and always willing
to help. Our Roleplay Council (RPC) are available for pointers on
RP...as are the regular pbase.
And in the words of the immortal race known as the Jawa....UTINNI!!!
Viva la Jawa!!!
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