This mud is based upon the hard work of Dan 'Dunkelzahn' Gelinske. It appears that while immortals do work hard to provide a rich environment for players, the hard work of Gelinske et al., is hardly represented in the gameplay.
Upon creation, a new player is assailed by conversations that, frankly, should not be occurring in the ooc channel and long-term players bombard their fellows and newer players with insults and criticisms, many of these stemming from in character comments which calls into question the seriousness of the 'RP Enforced' suggested by their entry. Not uncommon is direct copy & paste from in game occurences into an ooc channel letting the world know the most private of interactions. Imm-runs seem to be nothing more than an opportunity for friends of the staff to wave power over fellow players and pick their friends for lucrative opportunities, leaving newer players high-and-dry.
To be fair, the following account is taken from an individual that helped build the foundation of this very game during its infancy and someone who has been roleplaying and acted as a roleplay admin for for almost a decade, has very stringent expectations of a roleplaying environment and is generally a bit older than the playerbase in question.
In sum, if you are an inexperienced roleplayer, between the ages of 13 and 19 or simply love the SR universe enough to put up with incessant angst, then by all means give this mud a shot! For all the flaws, this mud certainly beats the current alternatives and the overall derision of the future SR FPS makes this crowd respectable, well, at least minimally.
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