Edge of Creation, as a playable Mud is good. The areas are somewhat unique and the code is heavily modified. The leveling is relatively easy, although it is a 100 level base system. IF you do NOT multiclass, you are required to specialize at level 20. This system is alright, but when you do not want to multiclass and play the class individually, you are still forced to 'specialize'.
The playerbase is small, only a handful, but I have seen quite a bit of new activity lately. Of the regular playerbase, the people are generally nice and helpful. The mud is constantly undergoing code changes, so if you like stability in what you expect to happen, such as damage roll, saves, and eq scrapping because of changes in code, then this mud is NOT for you.
The Imm's favorite phrase is 'help (fill in topic here)'. You rarely get a specific answer. Rather than give you a simple response to a question, you will most likely be directed to the nearest helpfile to interpret it as you may.
As far as being a deadly character, THIS MUD IS NOT for you. The deadly playerbase is mainly Alts of Peaceful characters. The MUD code has been modified to explicitly prohibit illegal attacks (IE a deadly character attacking a peaceful). Now, if the PK laws are in effect and enforced, then a Code modification is NOT required. In one case, a Peaceful character logged on and intentionally insulted a deadly character. The peaceful player (who had caused trouble before based on hearsay) was site banned. The Deadly charater, who was insulted quite graphically could not (By modified Code) attack the peaceful character and accept the consequences of their own actions. Upon discussing this with the Imms she was simply told, well that is illegal anyway. SO...if you wish to play a deadly character and hope there is another deadly character somewhere in your 5 level range then this mud will simply allow you to do that. You have to understand, the deadly characters already in place are well established and in full avatar equipment, so a new deadly stands very little chance. The Modified code preventing illegal attacks is NOT disclosed upon creation, so you are basically making an UNinformed decision on whether you choose to become deadly or not, unless you have read this review. Imms will Not allow a character to become peaceful even after they realize that they are governed not only by PK laws, but by code as well. In my opinion, this is overkill and deems it not even worth being a deadly player on this mud. I do find it ironic, that you can become deadly at ANY time.
There is an Automated questing system in place that allows for glory to be gained. There is also a rating system that is based on level, hitpoints, glory, and some other attributes that are not well disclosed. Unfortunately the secrecy behind the modifications of code and the way their ratings work, is decidedly a downside.
Overall I would give this mud a 6 out of 10, the deductions being based on the mindsets of the Imms. Having an open mind and using good judgement, goes a long way. In a case where they are trying to build playerbase, standing so firm on their own modifications, regardless of principle, does not bode well.
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