Maybe I didn't play long enough to check, but I had a pretty terrible experience with Firan. Figuring that everyone who'd gone 'oh look it's staff favoritism city' might in fact be wrong, I think 'hey, let's try it out'. You know. I never got into a single scene, primarily because I was rather disgusted with it within 30 minutes.
When you choose from a list of pregenned characters (Which they prefer you do,) you're given a general rundown of their personality. This is fully reasonable. You look through their umpteen billion chars, choose one that suits you. I'm rather impressed with the work done to produce them. (The char I chose had...80k of relationship backhistory, and he was a priest.)
Upon chargenning, I discovered @sheet/secrets. This is, of course, the command that shows you your character's secrets to the world. I figured it was reasonable enough that every character would have these.
And I still do! However, they don't warn you exactly how serious these secrets are. I chose a character who was generally outlined as 'pleasant overzealous-priest type fellow who has a heart of gold, really.' My secrets...talked about his sadistic nature, and how he liked to whip pagans in a very BDSM-like style, and how he had--get this, abused his little sister for daring to marry a pagan priest. And how guilty he felt about it, and how terrible he felt about it.
Oh, and he'd apparently secretly slept with almost /every single whore in the game/. It was unbelievable.
So, naturally, I rather felt like a fellow who'd driven a car off the lot only to find out that the salesman had swapped cars while I was signing the contract. So I complained. What did a /wizard/ tell me?
That it wasn't their fault I'd chosen that sort of character, and how dare I talk about my IC secrets OOCly, and that if I continued in this manner there would be repercussions.
Because I wanted to play a fairly pleasant, if overzealous, priest, and was handed a sadistic abusive whoremonger.
Thanks, Firan!
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