Are you tired of stomping through Moria and battling orcs? Do you get sick of combat that's so mundane and uncustomizable that you may as well be playing Diablo? Well, I'd like to introduce you to a game called The Eternal City.
The Eternal City is a roleplay enforced game which takes place in a fictional Rome-like city called Iridine. Its culture, history, and social structure mimic that of Rome as well. Unlike other roleplay intensive games, The Eternal City does have a global channel, though it is not OOC in nature. It's called the think-net, and not only is it kept IC, the conversation is normally of extreme importance to the gameworld.
Combat in the Eternal City is very advanced, with each individual round of combat controlled by the person behind the keyboard. If you want to jab with your gladius (sword) you can jab. If you want to sweep with your stave, you can do so. And if you want to drive your opponent to the ground, impaling through their entire body with your spear, well you can do that too. Combat effectiveness is controlled both by stats rolled when you first create your character, and skill gained from the time you begin your combat training. Some weapons also have different styles, offering you a variety of ways to fight using the exact same weapon. Because of the depth of the combat system, you'll never find two combatants exactly the same.
Is combat not your thing? No worries. The Eternal City also has a number of non-combat skills to occupy you. My main character, Leafus, is a hunter and outdoorsman. This means he can set traps, make torches, even build crude shelters to protect him from the elements and from animals he might encounter in the wild. There are also skillsets for locksmithing, healing, and even tailoring. The Eternal City also boasts the most advanced pickpocketing and thievery mechanics on the entire web, and I stand by that. Working up your skill in these works exactly like it does with combat, by actually using the skills involved.
Do both of these sound fantastic to you, but you don't think you'll be able to master all of them with one character? No worries there either. All accounts to the Eternal City boast a number of OOC features, including two characters per basic account. Not only that, but for every hour you're logged into the Eternal City, you'll be earning role-points, which you can spend on fun OOC items, in-game skill points, items, character alterations, even custom attacks to help you slay your foes.
Here we come to the bad news about The Eternal City. It is a pay to play game, with a monthly cost of 12.95 USD. Keep in mind that there is a 30 day free trial, with nothing required of you but your name and an email address. This trial account won't only grant you access to the Eternal City, but a whole slew of fun and intriguing games, roleplay and otherwise. These include Grendel's Revenge, a game where you play as a monster trying to protect your world against a human invasion, and Ticket to Ride, a board game based upon building railways around the United States and Europe. All in all, it's well worth the money I've been paying in for the last few years.
I'm just asking you to stop in and give it a try. I'm sure you'll be hooked in a matter of hours. If you want to include a referrel, my account name is themanofwar. I'm a recruit for an organization called the Divortium Auxilii, which exists completely to help those new to the game. If you see me in the welcome area, or my character in game, I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, as will any members of the divortium auxilii. I hope you see you there!
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